Why Pet Insurance?
Your pet’s health is important to you and you do everything to keep them safe, but accidents and illnesses happen. That’s where Spot Pet Insurance can help.

How Much Does an Emergency Vet Visit Cost?
The vet bill for an emergency vet visit will usually depend on whether it is for a cat or a dog and other factors like the breed, type of emergency, location, and the services needed like diagnostics, medications, etc. It will be difficult for us to...
Why Pet Insurance?

Does Pet Insurance Cover Heartworms?
Heartworm disease, a serious and potentially life-threatening condition affecting both dogs and cats, is a major concern for pet owners.1 Prevention is key, but what happens if your furry companion still contracts this parasitic infection? ...
Why Pet Insurance?

How Much Does a Vet Checkup Cost?
A recent survey indicated that on average pet parents spend about $800-$1500 a year on their pets. 1Out of the total, about $300-$350 is spent on food and treats, $50-$80 on toys and another $80-100 on clothes.2 Medical needs topped the list with...
Why Pet Insurance?

Does Pet Insurance Cover Grooming?
In the world of pet insurance, providers typically do not offer coverage for grooming. Most of the plans focus on covering unexpected accidents, emergencies and some medical conditions. But having a furry friend requires much more than just taking care...
Why Pet Insurance?

How a Spot Pet Insurance Plan Helped a Pet Parent Get Back $9K in Vet Bills.
“My dog uses her insurance more than I use my own!” How Spot Pet Insurance plan helped owner get back $9K in vet bills. Love, mishaps, and pet insurance. Spot Pet Insurance shares a heartwarming story that embodies the bond between a pet parent and...
Why Pet Insurance?

Does Pet Insurance Cover the Cost of Medications?
Owning a pet can be one of the most rewarding things we do in our lifetimes, but it is not an easy job or role to have. Even if we hone in and only talk about the medical care a pet could need, including the routine vet visits for; vaccinations,...
Why Pet Insurance?

How Does Breed Impact the Cost and Coverage of a Pet Insurance Policy?
Fun fact – There are 71 official cat breeds that The International Cat Association (TICA) recognizes. However, there are some breeds out there that are not recognized by TICA so the actual number of breeds in existence may higher. On the other hand,...
Why Pet Insurance?

Does Pet Insurance Cover Heart Murmurs?
My Puppy Has a Heart Murmur: Will My Pet Insurance Plan Cover it? When you bring home a puppy for the first time, it's hard to imagine that they could become ill. The very thought is almost inconceivable when you lay your eyes on that cute little ball...
Why Pet Insurance?

Does Pet Insurance Cover Prescription Food?
When you get sick or get into an accident, medications can help you with a fast recovery, but another factor that needs to be considered is nutrition. Giving your body the nutrients it needs can help you gain your energy back and help your body to...
Why Pet Insurance?
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