Audrey Halfen: Beta fish whisperer - whopping 9 months and counting! Once had a dog named Max, who I assertively claim is the cutest dog ever. Ready to throw down in a cute-off, if necessary.
Is Lavender Safe For Dogs? All About Lavender and Dogs
Is Lavender Safe For Dogs? If you use essential oils and natural remedies like lavender, you know that they can help with multiple ailments and reduce stress. Great-smelling and boasting a beautiful purple color, lavender is found in many products,...
Dog Tips
Why DOGust is Important?
If you’re anything like us, your dog is considered a member of the family. It is natural to want to celebrate those you love, which includes your pup! However, if you chose to adopt or rescue your first or second furry friend, you might not know when...
Why is My Dog Dragging Their Butt?
Dogs dragging their butt, what does it mean? If you’ve ever witnessed your dog scoot across the floor on their butt, you’re not alone. This is a fairly common behavior and no, they don’t just do it to embarrass you. Before you cringe at your dog’s...
Dog Tips
Can Dogs Have Tums? Safe Alternatives for Upset Stomachs
Does your furry friend seem a little under the weather with an upset tummy? While it might seem like reaching for your own Tums is the quickest solution, it's important to understand the risks involved before giving your dog any human medication. This...
Dog Tips
Dog Pooping Blood: Causes, Symptoms & What to Do
Seeing blood in your dog's stool is understandably alarming. It's a sign that something is wrong in their digestive system, and it's crucial to take action. This article will explain potential causes of bloody stool in dogs, the different types you...
Dog Tips
Leaving Your Dog Home Alone? Follow These Tips
As a dog owner, you know it can be hard to leave your dog home alone. Worried if they’re going to be anxious, getting up to no good, or thinking you may never return – it is not easy to be apart from your pooch! Besides concerns about accidents, you...
Dog Tips
How Much Does Cat Declawing Cost? A Guide for Concerned Owners
Cat declawing (onychectomy) is a complex decision for pet owners. To help you make an informed choice, it's essential to understand the costs – both financial and to your cat's well-being. We'll discuss the expenses involved, how to choose a qualified...
Cat Tips
Can Cats Eat Shrimp?
Any cat parent knows that, unless your cat has allergies, fish are on your cat’s list of favorite things to eat. However, just because your cat likes fish doesn’t necessarily mean that all seafood is good for cats to have or that it should make up...
Cat Tips
Why Is My Cat So Clingy
Why Is My Cat So Clingy? As cat owners know, most felines enjoy having some independence. They can be aloof and are often quite content to do their own thing around the house without needing the constant attention of their human companions. That...
Cat Tips
Why Is My Cat Crying?
If you have a cat, you’ve likely experienced moments where they begin meowing or yowling loudly for what seems like no reason at all. When these times happen, it can be confusing as you try to figure out what your cat is attempting to tell you. The...
Cat Tips
Why Do Dogs Eat Poop?
Introduction We love our dogs. They provide elfless companionship, stress relief and motivation to see the world through their optimistic eyes. Sometimes our dogs do things that gross us out. One of these instances is when you catch your dog eating...
Dog Tips
Biggest Dog Breeds
Although “bigger isn’t always better” and “good things come in small packages,” with dogs we believe this isn’t the case! Breeds like Great Danes and Bernese Mountain Dogs can be intimidating due to their giant size but are often even more affectionate...
Breed Tips