BlogBowl for Dogs & Cats
Get helpful tips in our blog for dogs, puppies, cats, and kittens.
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How To Care For Your Dog In Heat
What is heat? Will my dog go through it? When does it typically happen? What should I do if my dog is in heat? These are all questions you might be asking yourself if you’re a new dog owner whose female pup hasn’t been spayed yet. All dogs go through...
Dog Tips

Leaving Your Dog Home Alone? Follow These Tips
As a dog owner, you know it can be hard to leave your dog home alone. Worried if they’re going to be anxious, getting up to no good, or thinking you may never return – it is not easy to be apart from your pooch! Besides concerns about accidents, you...
Dog Tips

Celebrate a Risk-Free Fourth of July for Pets
You may be so excited at the thought of celebrating everyone’s favorite summer holiday. Your pets might not be. There’s so much to love with BBQs, family/friend time and fireworks to light up the sky. As much as you want to enjoy the holiday and make...

Can Cats Eat Almonds? Safety & Risks
Almonds are a nutritious snack for humans, packed with vitamins, minerals, and healthy fats. But can cats eat almonds, or are they better left for us to enjoy? As a responsible pet owner, you may be wondering if sharing this popular nut with your...
Cat Tips

How Many Bones Does a Cat Have?
The way cats can twist and fold themselves through tiny spaces is always fascinating to watch. They’re so flexible and agile that it’s difficult to believe they have bones under that fur coat. The truth is that your cat’s bone structure is responsible...
Cat Tips

How Much Does Cat Declawing Cost? A Guide for Concerned Owners
Cat declawing (onychectomy) is a complex decision for pet owners. To help you make an informed choice, it's essential to understand the costs – both financial and to your cat's well-being. We'll discuss the expenses involved, how to choose a qualified...
Cat Tips

How Long Do Cats Grow and When Do They Stop Growing?
If you’re a pet parent to a new kitten, you’re in for a treat. Kittens are adorable and tons of fun, although they might get a bit overwhelming at times. Since they’re learning as they grow, they can be more playful and explore more than an adult cat....
Cat Tips

How To Trim Cat Nails
If you’re a cat parent, one of your responsibilities is to regularly trim your cat’s nails (something that’s often easier said than done). No pet likes having their nails trimmed, whether cat or dog, so it can be tempting to put off this essential...
Cat Tips

Is Ham Safe for Cats? Risks & Healthy Alternatives
Cats are obligate carnivores, meaning their diet requires meat for essential nutrients. But can they enjoy a slice of ham alongside their humans? Let's explore the answer and discover healthier alternatives. Can Cats Eat Ham? Yes, cats can technically...
Cat Tips
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Is Your Dog’s Behavior Unpredictable? This Might Be Why! (Written by a once-struggling dog owner turned dog trainer)

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The Most Unforgettable Pet Names of 2025

Pet Safety
How Concerned Should I Be About the Bird Flu Affecting Pets?

Vet Costs
How Much Does Entropion Surgery Cost for Dogs?

Vet Costs