BlogBowl for Dogs & Cats
Get helpful tips in our blog for dogs, puppies, cats, and kittens.
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Choosing a Puppy Food
Introduction If you’re bringing a new puppy home, you are probably overwhelmed and excited! Adding a puppy to your family is such a fun experience. However, puppies require specific care to grow and live a healthy life. One of the most important items...
Puppy Tips

Best Names for White Cats
If you’ve just adopted a white cat, you’re likely wanting to find the best name to fit their adorable appearance! White cats are super cute. You’ll likely want to pick a name that will help showcase their beautiful coat. Fortunately, we’ve pulled...

What to Do When a Puppy Is Biting
Introduction Puppies: adorable, fluffy, energetic, and enthusiastic. There’s a lot to love! However, puppies are brand-new to the world and need to learn what is appropriate and what’s not. Of the many behaviors they may display, puppy biting is one...
Puppy Tips

Why Is My Cat So Clingy
Why Is My Cat So Clingy? As cat owners know, most felines enjoy having some independence. They can be aloof and are often quite content to do their own thing around the house without needing the constant attention of their human companions. That...
Cat Tips

Why Is My Cat Throwing Up?
Why Is My Cat Throwing Up? Types of Vomiting, Causes, and What to Do As a cat owner, you know that sometimes cats are going to vomit. We’ve all heard that alarming sound before. It happens from time to time, but it’s never normal. It always means...
Cat Tips

What You Need to Know About Hypoallergenic Cats
What You Need to Know About Hypoallergenic Cats Pet allergies are unfortunately common. The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases has found that somewhere between six and 10 million people in the United States alone are allergic to...
Cat Tips

How to Tell if a Cat is Pregnant
Have you recently noticed a change in your female cat, and you’re wondering if she’s pregnant? Sometimes it can be hard to tell if your cat is expecting a litter of kittens until much later in her pregnancy. However, there are some ways to be able to...
Cat Tips

Seeing the World Through a Dog's Eyes: A Look at Canine Color Vision
Dogs are our beloved companions, but have you ever wondered how they see the world? Understanding their unique vision can enhance our interactions and help us choose dog toys and activities that best suit their abilities. How Do Dogs See Color? The...
Dog Tips

Why Does My Puppy Have Diarrhea?
Introduction When you welcome a new puppy into your life, you are so excited to see them grow and flourish. That’s why it can be extremely scary to see your puppy get sick! Diarrhea is a condition that can frighten dog owners, especially if they don’t...
Puppy Tips
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Is Your Dog’s Behavior Unpredictable? This Might Be Why! (Written by a once-struggling dog owner turned dog trainer)

What to Pack for Warmer Weather Adventures With Your Dog

The Most Unforgettable Pet Names of 2025

Pet Safety
How Concerned Should I Be About the Bird Flu Affecting Pets?

Vet Costs
How Much Does Entropion Surgery Cost for Dogs?

Vet Costs