BlogBowl for Dogs & Cats
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Does Pet Insurance Cover Heart Murmurs?
My Puppy Has a Heart Murmur: Will My Pet Insurance Plan Cover it? When you bring home a puppy for the first time, it's hard to imagine that they could become ill. The very thought is almost inconceivable when you lay your eyes on that cute little ball...
Why Pet Insurance?

Preservatives in Cat Food: What You Need to Know
Are Preservatives Dangerous to Cats? While preservative can be harmful to pets, this is not always the case. The risk depends on the kind of preservative, the amount in your pet's food, and how much they are having. But if you're concerned about...
Cat Tips

Does Pet Insurance Cover Prescription Food?
When you get sick or get into an accident, medications can help you with a fast recovery, but another factor that needs to be considered is nutrition. Giving your body the nutrients it needs can help you gain your energy back and help your body to...
Why Pet Insurance?

Sodium Poisoning in Cats
While salt is often used in the kitchen, it is quite toxic to cats. The use of salt to induce vomiting in cats is no longer the standard of care, and neither pet owners nor veterinarians advocate for it!1 Salt can also be found in handmade play dough...
Cat Tips

Can Cats Eat Honey? What about Honeydew?
We have grown up hearing about the benefits of honey, for soothing a soar throat or for its health benefits as a great sugar substitute. But is honey also suitable to add to a cat's diet? Is it safe for a cat to have honey? While honey is not...
Cat Tips

Are Cats Lactose Intolerant?
Milk is not good for cats! Yes, you read that right. This may be a shocker to most people, but adult cats are lactose intolerant! As a pet parent, it is important to understand why adult cats should not be given milk, what happens when your adult cat...
Cat Tips

How to Potty Train a Puppy
Your Guide to Potty Training a Puppy Getting a puppy is always an exciting experience and with their prancing little paws and floppy ears, it's no wonder pet parents can never get enough of their puppies! As any pet parent knows, while watching your...
Puppy Tips

Kidney Disease in Cats
Kidney Failure in Cats Kidney damage or dysfunction is common in cats and can happen for various reasons, many of which can be prevented. Causes include medical conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, salt poisoning, too much processed food, and...
Cat Tips

Can Cats Eat Kiwi?
Kiwi is a fresh summer fruit, often called a superfruit because of the amount of nutrients it offers. It can be enjoyed in various forms be it a smoothie, fresh cut, or in a salad. At times you may find your cat looking longingly at a kiwi because of...
Cat Tips
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